The game-changing wallet for Ethereum Arbitrum

Download Rabby Wallet Extension - Official Website

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Have you tried experimenting with different crypto wallets but nothing could meet your expectations? Well, if you are holding a small number of crypto assets, then I am sure you must be looking for a hot wallet. However, cold crypto storages also known as hardware wallets are considered to be the safest storage options. However, if you are not ready to invest in a hardware wallet as of yet, then there are a lot of hot wallet options for you. After conducting research on a personal level, I think Rabby Wallet could be your perfect wallet choice.

Since you have reached this far, I am sure you are also interested to know more about this wallet. Isn’t it??? In that case, I must tell you that you have landed on the right page where I will guide you about using this wallet from scratch.

But, it would be wrong to just start right away because knowing the wallet and its background should be our primary goal.

What is Rabby Wallet?

Developed by DeBank which is a Portfolio tracker, Rabby is a multi-chain Web3 wallet that supports Ethereum as well as EVM chains crypto. This includes the supports for Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, etc. Not just that, it has also integrated 141 chains and testnets and lets you store 10,000+ crypto assets without the interference of any intermediary.

Knowing the Rabby wallet better! Key Takeaways

If you are interested in knowing why you should use Rabby wallet when there are several options to choose from, then I am sure that you do not know the following advantages of using it:

  • Multi-chain support: Unlike wallets like METAMASK that offer support for crypto assets developed on a single blockchain, the Rabby extension offers support for multiple chains 
  • Extensive support for crypto and NFTs: The Rabby wallet currently supports around 10,000 crypto assets and you’ll also be glad to know that this wallet offers supports NFTs on Ethereum as well as 141 EVM Chains and testnets.
  • Pre-transaction risk scanning: Another useful feature of this wallet is its “pre-transaction risk scanning” functionality that allows you to preview transactions before you can actually process them.

Installing Rabby Wallet

Rabby Wallet is compatible with devices such as Windows, Mac, and Android devices. Though there is a Rabby extension for Mac, there is no app for iOS users. However, this is not a thing to worry about because the app is under review and will be made available soon. To install the Rabby wallet extension, you can: 

  1. Please visit the official website of Rabby 
  2. The website is available via 
  3. When on the main page, choose the “Extension” button 
  4. If you are on Windows, select “Download for Chrome” 
  5. Again, on the pop-up window, give your confirmation by choosing “Add extension” 
  6. When the Rabby extension is installed, open it from the extensions list 

Likewise, if you wish to install the Rabby Wallet app on your Android device, then you can head to the Google Play Store, look for the “Rabby” app, and install it. 

REMEMBER: Please make sure that you check the credibility of sources or the application while installing any file on your device.

Setting up a new Rabby wallet

Congratulations on choosing Rabby Wallet!! Now it is time to take the next step and learn how you can set up a new wallet on your extension or the app. So, let’s begin: 

  1. Open The Rabby Wallet file and choose “Next” on the first screen 
  2. On the next page, select “Create a new seed phrase” 
  3. Choose and provide a password for your wallet protection and click “Next” 
  4. Thereafter choose the “Show Seed Phrase” option 
  5. The current screen will now show you your wallet’s seed phrase 
  6. Copy it and save it very carefully 
  7. Furthermore, choose “I’ve Saved the Seed Phrase” 
  8. Turn on the toggle for the preferred wallet address that you wish to enable 
  9. Click “Done” when you finish enabling wallet addresses 
  10. Congratulations!!! Your wallet is now set up successfully

Please note that the same process can be applied to set up your wallet on the Rabby extension or the app. 

Have a wallet already? Let’s learn to import it

If you already have a wallet, you can skip the directions provided in the section above and jump directly to the steps that I am going to list here: 

  1. Open the Rabby wallet extension on your device 
  2. On the Welcome Screen, you can choose “Import Seed Phrase” 
  3. When on the next screen, provide the apt seed phrase very carefully 
  4. Hit the “Confirm” button 
  5. On the other hand, if you wish to import using the private keys, choose “Import Private key” 
  6. Now, provide the wallet’s private key and choose “Confirm” 

Start transacting!!!

Sending and receiving tokens via Rabby extension/app

To Send: Sign in to your wallet > click “Send” > Choose the preferred network > Enter the wallet address of the recipient > select the asset you wish to send > choose the amount of crypto you wish to send > choose the “Send” option > set up transaction parameters > select “Sign and Continue.” 

To Receive: After signing into your wallet, select the “Receive” button > Choose the desired network > Based on the device type, copy your wallet address or scan the given QR code > Send crypto to this wallet address from an exchange or the wallet. 

Summing it Up-

The crypto industry is taking visible shifts every other day and this is the reason why you need to be proactive whenever it comes to trading crypto assets. In this regard, Rabby Wallet helps you stay on top of the trading game and create a good portfolio. The details above highlight all the crucial guidelines that you must follow if you wish to use Rabby Wallet and store your crypto assets in a safe haven.